I have debated with myself over the years, whether to reveal to the general populace my stories of coincidence, in that the odds of them actually happening are inconceivable. In the past I have chosen only my closest friends that know me well to tell these stories to because I have felt that most people who don’t know me would think I was an alien abductee. Whether you call it coincidence, universal karma, the force, the secret, a higher power or God, the result is the same, insanely impossible things transpire. I choose to call these blessing, God acting on my desires, hopes, wishes or needs.
These blessings have happen quite frequently over the years, some large some so small as to go unnoticed if I weren’t aware of the phenomena, and I only became aware of it and how often it was occurring around the age of thirty five. I do not plan to list and recount the multitude of these blessings here but the events of the last couple of weeks has lifted this issue to the forefront. Now, I want to be clear here, I’m not talking life changing events or miracles (even though the odds would be indicative of one). I’m talking everyday wants, desires and needs. So I will relate to you the last couple of blessings that God has bestowed upon me.
As you are aware I finally consummated the deal for the rocks with Mack and as we were standing there surveying the piles, I asked Mack if he knew of a rental storage place nearby that when I got the rocks were sorted and in containers that I could store them until the show. I also asked him if he knew of anyone who would slab up the rocks for a fee or if he knew anyone who might have a diamond slab saw for sale. He indicated that he knew nothing of slab saws nor where I might find one, but there is a small storage facility right down the road here. So I hopped on Sic Fiddy and motored down to the storage facility. There was no one in the rental office and the place looked deserted however the gate was open so I decided to cruise through the facility. As I rounded the end of a row of buildings there was a couple moving items from one storage unit into a larger storage unit and there, sitting in the smaller unit was I thought was a 12 inch diamond blade, auto feed, slab saw. Now in all my life, I have never actually seen a slab saw except in pictures in lapidary catalogues and the least expensive with manual feed were priced at around $2,000.00.
I asked the guy if that was a slab saw and he said “Yep, you wanna buy it?”
I told him that I would give him $300.00, and that’s how I came in possession of my twelve inch slab saw.
Thirty minutes before I had not thought about a slab saw and now my needs were met. They were the only people in the complex. There were there only for this one day and they were traveling out of state. They had arrived at the storage complex about twenty minutes before me and were going to be there for about four hours.
Cutter and I take walks at least twice a day and we have several different routes. On one of these routs is what appears to be an abandoned ramshackle trailer on a beautiful piece of property (I think about two acres) that borders the Cullasaga River for about 200 feet. I asked Mack about it and he knows the owners but was unwilling to give out much information. I really don’t have the finances to purchase a piece of property right now, but I was thinking “some day, down the road”, I might like to retire here and that property would be perfect. So I have been dwelling on it and casually asking around as to the location of the owners but not putting a lot of effort into it.
At this point I need to give you an overview of the Old Corundum RV Park. There are two sections, one is the main park where most of the residents live (around 50 trailers) and there is the section where I am up on the hill where there are 8 trailers. Lately, I have been working on getting ready for the show and have spent very little time in the main park. If I went down there twice a day that would be allot. It was around 5pm and I had not been down in the main park all day. I had just completed wire wrapping a stone for a friend of mine and was taking it down to him. On the way down I saw a Blondie talking another woman. Blondie had expressed an interest my wire wrapping so I stopped to show her the stone that I had done for John. She commented on how pretty it was and out of the blue asks if I wanted to buy a trailer. Apparently the lady with whom she was speaking was moving to Colorado and wanted to sell her trailer.
I told her that a guy up on the hill had offered to sell me his for $11,000.00 and she said “I’ll sell you mine for 3,500 dollars”.
I am the proud owner of a 2003 Forest River Sierra model 32’ with two power slide outs and all the amenities. I looked this trailer up on NADA and the used price ranged from $12,000 for low retail and $17,000 high retail. This trailer was sold new, pulled from the sales lot nearby, parked in the campground, where they built a big aluminum canopy over it to protect it from the sun and weather. It was as if God said, that trailer down the road is currently not available how about this one.
Of all the people in the camp ground, the unknown stranger with the three legged dog up on the hill who never comes down to the main park is offered this phenomenal bargain. Mack, the park owner, who usually gets these deals, passed by the two ladies twice while they were talking and never said a word to either one.
Blondie’s husband told me later, “If my wife had told me about it I would have bought the trailer”.
Marie, the lady who sold me the trailer, had only minutes before, arrived from Pennsylvania and had wandered into the campground to stretch her legs when she ran into Blondie.
So, to my son and daughter, friends and relatives if you can arrange a small vacation and you want to stay rent free at my summer home, (I won’t be in it) it will be available from around August 15th through October 31st, call me to confirm. Sleeps six, Queen Master bed.
love ya Dad, Ken, Bro, gOOch.