I haven't made an entry in my blog since Cutter died, not sure what that's about. I have been busy getting ready for craft shows. I had one in January which I did ok at. Many of the participants indicated that it was a terrible show. Being my first, I have no idea if it was acceptable or not. I suspect not. I have three more scheduled in Feb. and I have applied for several more in Mar & Apr. I plan to stay in West Palm Beach until at least the end of April. I am not liking the traveling thing as much as I thought I would. It seems that I want to put down roots and not move for awhile. Anyway, all is as well as can be expected in this economy.
Hollywood Beach boardwalk, Florida Jan 17 & 18, 2009

My booth

I have really been an optimist for most of my life, but the older I get the more pessimistic I seem to be become, I am not sure if it is age or the stupidity and greed of mankind which conspire to bring me down. I used to believe in the inherent goodness of man. Now I not so sure, or maybe I am sure and that's the problem. However, I have discovered a solution to the Mexican immigration problem. Let them all come over but force them to join the army. Then invade Mexico and have no exit strategy.
I wish there were a happy pill we could take to become oblivious to this mess, but all the drugs I know of have worse side effects or would multiply the problems we all ready have. I would like to cheer you up, but I think am not going to be much help in that arena, because I only see things as getting worse, sorry. It would truly be a miracle if Obama or anyone could turn our economy and world image around.
A few of months back (I think before Obama was elected, not that it matters), I wrote down my current observations of Americans and the world populace in general, and they were not pretty, so I never posted it, nor have I shared it with anyone but one close friend. And since I am in a particularly morose mood today I thought I would share it with all.
The sky IS falling and it is going to flatten us.We as a nation are not what we believe ourselves to be. We are like self delusional American Idol wannabees and when we are told we suck, we lash out at our detractors.
We see ourselves as strong, benevolent, honorable, when in reality we are fat, petty, arrogant, greedy and self righteous. When Bin Laden sucker punched us we took his bait hook line and sinker. When he scurried under a rock somewhere we lumbered after him and all who we perceived were of his ilk. Like a wounded elephant we expend our energy and resources in ablind rage, confirming to the world what assholes we really are. We stepped right into Bin Laden's trap and he is reveling in our stupidly. What's more unbelievable is that we are a giant waiting to be toppled, a cancerous carcass that doesn't know its dying.
Individually our greed has been like millions termites eating away at the foundational rules and regulations, all the while patting ourselves on the back that were able to circumvent the safeguards in place (the American way). We are sucking the earth's resources dry and to hell with the consequences. Then believing that we are fit and strong, we set out to right where we had been wronged, but in reality was we are old, fat and delusional. In our struggles we have begun to hemorrhage financially, a stroke will soon send us stumbling to our knees. Because we are so huge it will take a while for us to hit the ground, but don't kid yourselves it is coming up faster than you think. I don't see any way we can stop it because we can't repair damage that we don't allow ourselves to see. Even if we could see it, there isn't enough time.
As you may have summarized I have never been a proponent of this war, but if you think we have high unemployment now? Bring home the soldiers. We are in a cluster f**k of galactic proportions. You, I and George and deserve everything that is coming, but unfortunately we will skate away on death's wheels, our children and our children's children will pay the price. I can only pray that I am the delusional one.
So cheer up everything's fine, because if you don't acknowledge it, it doesn't exist.
Now for the bad news, the rest of the world is as bad or worse. Everyone is out to get as much as they can or at the very least hang onto whatever they have, including me. No one wants' to sacrifice and who can blame them, because that other asshole isn't going to give up anything. And those who perceive that they do not have anything (or enough) will kill you to get what you have.
The best line regarding human beings was in the movie the "Matrix" when agent Smith was explaining to Morpheus what he has discovered about humans.
"Agent Smith: I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet."
One thing agent smith missed in his analysis was, our obsession for more, man's GREED.
I know of only one way that the earth can be spared an early demise and that is if somehow 80% of the earth's population vanished. Me included.