The other night I woke up again in the middle of the night thinking, “I’ll never get it done.” I have sooooo much to dooooooo that I have been worrying if I can get it done in the time allotted. That morning I sat down and decided that I was concentrating on the small projects and decided that I would re-focus on the larger projects and the ones that would bring in the most dollars. No more garage sales until just before I go. What doesn’t sell then, I will donate. So I re-worked my list focusing on the large projects and I felt a lot better, although I still have a lot to do.
I put a bunch of easy to ship, easy to list Items on e-bay and netted $1,800.00 which worked well. I still have to modify the storage compartment on Cazey, who by the way informed me that I was spelling her name wrong. According to her it is Cazee, (long A). Pronounced KZ.
I have new member of my entourage. He is a young man, I believe of Polish decent whose last name is Kawalski. His first name Sicfiddy.
He is taking the place of my Asian friend, Har-re Davisan.
Because Har-re is too heavy and limited in what he can do. I really hate not being able to take Har-re along but he is a luxury I can’t afford. So I invited Sicfiddy and he assured me he could meet my requirements of being able to explore through the woods and back roads as well as run to the store for light shopping. He also informed me that if I wanted to run fifty or sixty miles down the interstate he had the balls to do it. Perhaps not with the ease and comfort of Har-re, but he could get the job done.
To see the rest of my team just click on either one of the photo's
Slowly but surely the warehouse is emptying out. There are a few of bulky items left to move out and I will be glad to see them go no matter which rout they take. Hopefully I can find a nice home for them rather than adding to the local landfill.
I just looked at my to do list and at the top it says “Get off your ass and get busy”.
See ya
252 lbs
17 Feb 2008
You mentioned that you were working on another entry. Had a look just now, before heading to Miami, but didn't see anything new after "new man in town"? See ya soon. Drive Safe (:-) JSG
Getting rid of your stuff is, without a doubt, the hardest part of this journey - I think I actually cried :-( Just keep focused on why you're doing it. Being 'stuffless' is a big part of the freedom you'll feel once you HTR! Then, you'll feel so light you could fly. I'm SOO impressed that you're losing body weight too.
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