Sic Fiddy and I went back up Highlands Road to take some more pictures. The river that runs behind my campsite is the “Cullasaja” River (I have no idea how to pronounce it). It is the same river that the road borders up through the mountains. These first pictures show the winding road. I am not sure I would want to pull the trailer over this road. However there were several big trucks that passed me going the other way. But only one was a large trailer type truck and it was hauling logs.
The next picture is the lower Cullasaja Falls. It is the most spectacular of the three falls on the river.
This shot of Dry Falls (so named because you can walk under it and stay dry). It was closed for renovation if the parking facility. But I snuck down to the falls to take these pictures.
Then Sic Fiddy wanted to get under some falls so here he is at Bridal falls.
The loop under the falls was made so that cars could drive under it. However last year a big boulder fell down from there so they put barricades up to close it off. Which someone promptly removed. When Sic Fiddy and I arrived at Bridal falls there was a red Honda getting his picture taken under the falls.
These next shots are of the upper falls.
On the way up we saw a sign that said “Rock Shop” so when we came back down off of the mountain we stopped by Roy Jukes Rock Shop. Roy is older than most of the rocks in his shop, but he is still kickin. We got to talking about stones and he told me his favorite stone to cut was Opal. Cool Beans. We talked for quite awhile about cutting opals until Roy’s voice failed him. I told him about some Ethiopian Opals that I had and he wanted to see them. He showed me some he had but they were a lot different than the ones I had. I told him I would return tomorrow and show them to him. He said he would show me how to put a stone on a dopp stick.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Went to Roy’s Rock shop and Gave him one of my uncut Ethiopian opals, he showed me how he does his dopping but he wasn’t feeling very well and we made it a short visit. He said I could come back Sunday afternoon if I wanted. I may stop by and see how he is feeling. I told him I would drop off some info on the Ethiopian Opals.
The weather is changing. It has been beautiful for the past 5 or 6 days. Today it rained in the afternoon. I checked the weather forecast and it is supposed to rain most of Sunday and Monday the temperature is supposed to drop into the mid thirties.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
The sky is overcast but it has not rained since yesterday. It is still very comfortable temperature wise. I had planned to run up the mountain to a lake high up on a back road with Sic Fiddy, but I hate riding in the rain. I don’t know if I can trust the rain to hold off while I ride up. We will see. I still have 12 days left to do it before I pick up Jo in Asheville.
1 comment:
The photos look great What kind of camera are you using?
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