It rained again last night and somehow one of the windows leaked and got Jo’s bed wet, so she moved to the couch after soaking up as much water as she could. I couldn’t find a specific reason for the leak so I covered the entire window with plastic film and I will wait until it rains again and see if it is indeed the window that is leaking. Fortunately it looks like it’s going to be a nice sunny day so I pulled the mattress out of the camper to let it dry while we are at school. When we returned at lunch time to walk Cutter they were almost completely dry.
Class was nice today we made a ring in the morning and a bracelet in the afternoon. I will have pictures of all our stuff at weeks end. Every Tuesday evening the school holds an auction of donated items to make extra money. The school is non-proffit and all donations are accepeted. If you would like to send an item for auction the address is
William Holden Retreat
230 Lapidary Ln (or) PO Box 980
Young Harris, GA. 30582
Identify the item as “For Auction”. I am sure they will appreciate it.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Today we made another bracelet and a pendant Jo’s getting the hang of it and I am exploring alternate designs.
We only have class for half a day today so we are going to go to the grocery and pick up some extra items and eat at a bar-b-que that we saw last time we were in town called “Rib Country” I will let you know how it is.
Wow, best bar-b-que I have ever had. If you are ever in Hayesville, NC on highway 69 check it out.
Cooking is not something I look forward to doing; however I have worked out a system of sorts that lets me keep my stove time to a minimum. I grill anywhere from 5 t0 8 items on the grill at one grilling and bag them up to use in salads and other concoctions during the week. That way I only end up slaving over the hot grill about twice a week.
Jo got a picture of Cutter and his toy early in the morning.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
We made another bracelet today and had the option of making whatever we wanted. I chose to make another bracelet and Jo chose a pendant. We are getting pretty good at this for beginners. I took a pendant and asked someone who was walking by to guess what it was and they guessed RIGHT!!!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Another half day of class today and then “Show & Tell” each class displays their projects in the cafeteria and everyone gets to see what everyone else did for the week. I was impressed by some of the work the other classes had done. Especially the glass & and chain classes. The fused glass was spectacular, the chains and other things that they made out of little silver rings was unreal. Unfortunately I did not get pictures of the other peoples stuff this week but I will next week.
Here is the stuff that Jo and I made.
This is what I made.
This is what Jo made.
Just Kidding
The stuff turned out pretty good didn't it.
If you want to see close ups and other pic's just click on any jewelery photo.
Got to go class starts in 20 min.
1 comment:
Hey Uncle Ken!
Nice jewelry you made.
I miss you.
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