Tomorrow is my last wire wrap class. It has been fun and I think I have learned as much, if not more than my students.
I plan to leave the trailer here and run up to Columbus, OH and visit my friends Clyde and Claudia for a couple of days. Cutter and I will take a tent and a few necessities and camp in their back yard. I forgot that this weekend is a holiday weekend. I hope the gas prices keep everyone home so that I have no traffic to deal with. We can all dream.
After that I will return to Old Corundum and start organizing and packing the trailer and truck.
I got Sic Fiddy back and he runs just fine. He needs some minor repairs but other than that he’s good to go.
I signed up for a class on the 11th of September that teaches a new bezel forming technique. (a bezel is the thing that goes around a stone or other item that makes it so that it can be hung from a chain or mounted on a ring.) I have extended my stay just to take this class. It is unusual in that you solder the bezel while the stone is mounted in it. No other process does that. All other systems the bezel is made first and after everything is soldered and assembled the stone is inserted and the bezel is closed by pressing the metal around the stone.
The day following the class I plan to pull out of Old Corundum and head back down to Molina, GA and stay with my Aunt Martha and my cousins for awhile.
I am telling you all this because I may not have time to post another entry until I get to Molina. I have a lot of stuff to sort and pack. Some of the stuff I acquired with the rocks, I will store in the shed at my new trailer. The rest I will load into Cazee and Lyca.
Yesterday we had our monthly Pot-Luck dinner. It was fantastic as unusual. Everyone seemed to have a great time, even me.