I went to the Doctor on July 21 and he said I was healing remarkably well and I should be able to put some weight on the foot in 6 weeks or so. Well Doc, sorry to tell you, but I have already been hobbling around on it for three or four days now. Some how, during my stay in the hospitable, I got the impression that I was to stay off of it for two weeks, which by my calculations was five days before my appointment on the 21st. I asked him what damage I could do by putting weight on it and he said that it was just a precaution because I damaged some ligaments and they needed time to heal.
Now, everyone who knows me, knows that I always do what I’m told, right? RIGHT. So, since the leg has been feeling good, I’m thinking, I have been exercising the leg and ligaments by putting a little weight on them, it is probably much stronger than it would have been if I hadn’t and as a bonus it has healed faster. Therefore, I have continued to put more and more weight on it as I feel it can comfortably accept. Yesterday I bought a new pair of shoes and am hardly limping as I walk around the campground. This morning Cutter went for a walk and I rode “Mike the Bike”, instead of the little personal scooter that I have been using to walk Cutter. All in all the leg is feeling great. If I am on it too long I can feel the discomfort and I elevate it for 10 or 20 minutes or so and I’m good to go. It itches like crazy at times; fortunately I can pop off the ace bandage and scratch till my heart’s content. People around here can’t believe how fast my injury is recovering. I doubt if I will return to the doctor. He told me that some people have the screws removed after 4 to 6 months but more often than not they just leave them in and eventually they break off. I never thought to ask where they go after they break or if there will be any sharp edges to deal with. I guess I will cross that bridge later.
As I mentioned before, I was unable to be a vendor in the Gem and Rock show because of my leg (bummer), however I did go to the show and picked up a few tips on wire wrapping and a couple of items that I needed, I have been getting better and better on the wire wrapping.
This is a piece of Pietersite from Africa, it is a beautiful stone and the wire wrap is simple and elegant.
I have even done some very small opals.
Lots of people in the campground are bringing me stones to wrap and I am earning a few bucks that way. It’s been fun.
I have also been teaching about 12 of the ladies in the campground how to do wire wrapping. We have had 5 classes so far and this Monday we will be doing crosses.
These are two of thw crosses I make the both sell for the same price of $20.00 because the smaller on is so much harder to make.
I sold the bulk of my rocks to a rock vendor at the show. I lost a little on the transaction, but I kept some of the good stuff for myself to cut and polish, so I am happy with the deal. I sure didn’t want to lug around 4,000 lbs of rock.
Despite my injury I’m still having a great time. I plan on staying in Franklin until the end of August to complete my healing. From here I may go to Columbus, OH to see Clyde and Claudia or I might just return to my Aunt Martha’s in Molina GA. Not sure at this time.
Love you all
Ps. I am getting your messages on the “Shout Box” but I can’t reply to them because I either don’t know how or it won’t let me. The best way to get me a message is through my e-mail dubyacay@gmail.com or khatch46@yahoo.com
gooch: Me again(JSG) got your email message and have just now had a look to see if my comments are still present in your blog, they are. I will now follow your advice and use the dubyacay@gmail.com and also khatch46@yahoo.com
Really gald to know of your speedy recovery. I'll send my travel schedule to the addresses above so as to consider a get-together. Pauli and I leave in about ten days for another month long stint at sea. Fair Winds, JSGnonomous
I think what may be wrong with your shout box is that you put it in your blog using a link list gadget rather than an html gadget. ??
At some point I thought you had indicated that others cannot read comments entered into your blog? I must have misunderstood because that seemed to defeat (part of) the purpose. Anyway, I am pleased to note that I am able to read the entry by Chris (about the shout box) and I assume that others can read mine. Doesn't that mean that you could entry a response to Chris or I in your next blog entry .... provided you did not want it to be personal? Appreciate learning about this stuff; let me know if I am making your blog boring with my silly questions? Fair WInds; JSG
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