I did OK at Delray, about average with the earlier shows. I decided that I needed an item that was lower cost. So Jo and I decided to make earrings that would sell from $15 to $25 per pair. The next show was Coral Springs, which is a larger show than the previous shows and is supposed to be higher end. I did pretty well there. What was most interesting was the percent breakdown of sales. 2% was angles and crosses, 8% was pendants, 15% was rings, 30% was bracelets, and the remaining 45% was earrings, which I would have missed if I hadn’t decided to make some for the show.
The Last show that I had entered for the season was over in Sarasota, in a little city called Siesta Key. Gross sales were about the same as Coral Springs there except that the earring sales were around 75%. I would have died at this show had it not been for the earrings. My E-Z UP display tent finally bit the dust. I had been holding it together with duct tape for the last two shows, so I tossed it into the dumpster as I left town.
All the shows now over I returned to my Aunt’s in Molena, GA. Set up my camper and relaxed for a few days.
From Molena |
Then I assembled a portable garage to store some things that I didn’t think I needed to haul around in the truck or to bring back to Florida when I return in September.
From Molena |
From Molena |
From Molena |
Before I left West Palm I developed a new friend who also does wire wrapped jewelry. She taught herself, which is an amazing feat if you ask me. She does excellent work, far better than me. Her name is Marilyn Hodges and she has a booth at Sailfish Harbor on Hutchison Island Thursday nights if you want to check her work out. The season starts around October I think. We have decided to share a booth at the West Palm Beach Gem and Mineral Society annual Gem show. Which is the weekend before Thanksgiving (Nov 21, 22) for more info click http://www.gemandmineral.cc/ .
I have been cutting a bunch of cabochons in preparation for the show. I hope to have at least 300 cabs for the show. Some I have already photographed and put on my web site http://www.wilstones.com/ .
The weather has been nice up here. I spend my time reading, relaxing, cutting cabs, making more wire inventory and cutting grass. My aunt and her children have around 40 acres of land between them and I have been running the bush hog in the mornings and the evenings (to keep out of the heat of the day) for the past week, I still have some more to cut but I will take a break for awhile. Last week I was browsing through “Craig’s List” looking for another display tent and I found a good used one I liked in Atlanta and picked it up at a good price. I will take a photo of it when I practice setting it up and post it in the blog.
I am going to the Sweat family reunion June 19,20 & 21 in South Daytona. I’m looking forward to that. I think Ann & Candy will be there. Then in july My aunt and her family are doing a fourth cookout and festivities. On July 17 I am flying to Darien, CT. to visit Dawn and Mike in their new house for the weekend. My next scheduled show is in Stuart, FL on September 26 & 27. I have applied for a show in Newnan, GA on Labor Day weekend but I have not heard if I have been accepted or not.
Well that just about catches me up. On the next post I will list all of the shows I am accepted at and anything new that has happened in the interim.
Ken, Wil, gOOch, AV, William, dubyacay, Bill, and whatever else you want to call me.
1 comment:
Hi there! Found the link to your blog over on the Sweat Family website. It is really fascinating getting to read what comes from your mind and heart. I'm sorry to hear about Cutter. We have a furry family member as well and I'm sure that was a difficult time for you.
Can't wait to hear more! Keep on updating! Check us out over at our family ramblings www.redneckmama.com/blog
Christy Bates (Steven's wife, Kenneth & Frances's daughter in law)
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