Saturday, November 17, 2007

Doing it

Well it looks like I have a contract on the house and I am planning to sell off the business piece by piece. I have an agreement with the buyers to put my Travel Trailer (when I get it) on the property for three months after closing in order to dispose of my stuff. I am in serious buy mode for the trailer now. I have my eye on several that are interesting but are not the perfect trailer for me. I may have to buy the "not perfect trailer" if push comes to shove.
I am both excited and fearful. It's a big step, letting go of the security of home and business. Risking that I can earn enough money to sustain myself with out depleating my nest egg. I could wait in hopes to earn more before I cut the umbilical cord, but how much is enough? How much more could I put away in a year, two or five. My body is telling me that five is the most I that I have if I continue to do the very physical work that I now do. Will that be enough? It seems that my decision must rest on which resource do I spend? The money I have saved or the number of healthy days I have remaining? I choose to risk not having enough money at the end, for the health to really enjoy the experience ahead of me now. I am going to seize the moment, follow my star, full steam ahead and dam the torpedoes. I have enough confidence in myself; I can do this and come out the other side. That makes the decision less scary. I can't wait to hit the road, but first I must divest myself of my possessions.
I have negotiated with the new owner to put my trailer on the property in order to sell, give, toss and otherwise dispose of the accumulation of things that I will no longer need. Not only a home full of stuff, but a warehouse full of tools and equipment that is a dream past. A dream shop, where I could make stuff and fix stuff and have a place to put stuff. Been there, done that. Now to dismantle that dream for another. I must choose, what I need to take and what I need to dispose of. That will be an adventure in it's self. There is lots of junk that has little value, piece of cake, dump it. There is the stuff that has value but little emotional attachment, good for Ebay or garage sale. Then there is the stuff that I will take with me, (less than one percent). The stuff that has high emotional atachment that I can not take? Big problem, because I do not want to have the monetary expense of renting a warehouse to store stuff. Fortunately there isn't allot of that kind of stuff, some of it I can give to family.
Today was a good day. I got about fifty items cleaned up photographed and ready for Ebay. Now do that another ten or fifteen times and I will have most of my stuff on the net. Today was mostly small items. The big stuff 100 lbs or more will be no shipping, you pick up items.
Well I guess I will spend a little time putting some of it on Ebay tonight so I will sign off for now.

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